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APTA 2013

Conference Report

The 19th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference at King Power Pullman Hotel was held from July 1 to 4, 2013. The conference was a great success, helping participants realize its topic, “Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management: Innovative Development for Asia and Pacific”.

A total of 131 valuable delegates and board members came from 13different countries or regions (Korea, USA, Australia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Macao, UK, and India). The participants were from various fields. They were academics, researchers, industry professionals, and city/government officials.


Many interesting papers (112 papers) in various fields (e.g., Tourism development, hospitality and tourism marketing, information technology, sustainable tourism, hospitality and tourism education, human resource management) were presented at the conference.

In addition, there were 2 keynote speeches. Dr. Walter Jamieson, who is the Director and Professor, Innovation Program, College of Innovation, Thammasat University, presented with the topic of “Developing Tourism Planning and Marketing Strategies for AEC “.

Dr. KhanatKruthkul, who is the American Board of Nutrition and Advisor for the Senate Sub, Nutrition and Information Technology, delivered a speech about “Cardiovascular, Nutrition and Information Technology for Asia Pacific”.

Among112 papers presented, The Best Paper Awards were given to YirangIm and TomoyukiFurutani for their paper “Analysis of Policy Network on Tourism Cooperation Between Korean and Japanese Local Government: A case Study of Busan-Fukuoka”, and to AsadMohsin, Jorge Lengler and Bhupesh Kumar for their paper “Assessing Staff Turnover in Luxury Hotels of India: What is the Impact of Professional Enthusiasm, Organizational Loyalty, Job Security and Additional Benefits?
HaiSikSohn (Conference founder) Award was given to Chang Ching Yu and Huang ChingYuehfor
“A Phenomenological Study of Role Stress Faced by Tour Leaders”.

Overall, this conference provided ample academic spaces and opportunities for the tourism/hospitality scholars and industry professionals to share and exchange their research outcomes and ideas. The venue for the APTA 2014Conference will be Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.


Dr. HaiSikSohn Award

Yu, C.&Yueh, H. “A Phenomenological Study of Role Stress Faced by Tour Leaders ”

Best Papers

Im, Y. &Furutani, T. “Analysis of Policy Network on Tourism Cooperation Between Korean and Japanese Local Government: A case Study of Busan-Fukuoka”
Mohsin, A. Lengler, A. &Kumar, B. “Assessing Staff Turnover in Luxury Hotels of India: What is the Impact of Professional Enthusiasm, Organizational Loyalty, Job Security and Additional Benefits?”


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