Membership Registration
You’ve made a great decision to join the APTA! The APTA will connect you with the resources and people you need to succeed in your career. Register online or download an application today!
For a long-term membership, learn about various types of memberships to save up to 30% or more.
In order to be APTA member, please follow the steps.
Step 1. Please fill out the on-line membership application form.
Sept 2. Option 1. Please pay membership due via Paypal.
Option 2. Bank Transfer (Confirmation will be delayed until payment deposit)
Name of Bank: KEB Hana Bank
Account Number: 242-890024-52838
Name of Account Holder: Asia Pacific Tourism Association(APTA)
Address of Bank:
Shinpyong Branch, KEB Hana Bank
Jangpyung-ro 227, Saha-Gu, Busan, Korea
Once you have successfully register membership, a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you have any inquiries regarding APTA membership, please contact APTA Membership Secretary, Dr. Dae-Young Kim at Membership.APTA@gmail.com.