APTA 2020
Bangkok, Thailand
Winter Workshop
Feb. 23-24, 2020

Asia Pacific Tourism Asociaton (APTA) is pleased to invite you to attend the APTA 2020 Winter Workshop on Feb 23-24, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Workshop is intended to provide an opportunity for graduate students in the fields of tourism, leisure, and hospitality to discuss their research ideas.
Workshop Description
APTA will host a 2-day research workshop to support graduate students who are developing their thesis and/or research papers. All the selected papers/research in progress papers will be presented during the workshop, and invited commentators will provide constructive comments after open discussion.
This will be an excellent opportunity for graduate students to share, further develop their research ideas, and to build social networks among them.
Workshop Schdule
Day 1 (Feb. 23)
Welcome Reception/Ice Breaking
Day 2 (Feb. 24)
08:00 -
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 18:00
18:30 -
Coffee Break
Morning Session
Afternoon Session 1
Coffee Break
Afternoon Session 2
Day 3 (Feb. 25)
09:00 -
Post Workshop Tour
Supporting Organization
Dong-A University, Korea
Siam University, Thailand

Abstract Submission
Authors must submit a three-page ABSTRACT for participation. Submissions must be written in English and prepared in MS Word (2007 or later). NO PDF file please. All submissions should be free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Please use the below template.
Due Date: Feb. 5, 2020
Submit your abstracts to Dr. Myung-Geun Song, the abstract review chair at mkssong@dau.ac.kr.

On-line Registration
Click below "on-line registration" button to register to the workshop.

Registration Fee
A. Student: USD 270
B. Faculty: USD 450
Registration fee covers 1) workshop material, 2) welcome reception, and 3) meals during the workshop.
Accommodation and travel expenses are not included in the registration fee.
Method of Payment: On-site payment